Results for 'J. B. Mullin'

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  1.  25
    Facets and anomalous solute distributions in indium-antimonide crystals.K. F. Hulme & J. B. Mullin - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (47):1286-1288.
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    The motion of liquid alloy zones along a bar under the influence of an electric current.D. T. J. Hurle, J. B. Mullin & E. R. Pike - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 9 (99):423-434.
  3.  61
    Lupanov O. B.. Ob odnom métodé sintéza shém . Izvéstiá vysših učébnyh zavédénij, Radiofizika, no. 1 , pp. 120–140.Albert A. Mullin - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (4):593-594.
  4.  75
    Quantum Properties of a Single Beam Splitter.F. Laloë & W. J. Mullin - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (1):53-67.
    When a single beam-splitter receives two beams of bosons described by Fock states (Bose-Einstein condensates at very low temperatures), interesting generalizations of the two-photon Hong-Ou-Mandel effect take place for larger number of particles. The distributions of particles at two detectors behind the beam splitter can be understood as resulting from the combination of two effects, the spontaneous phase appearing during quantum measurement, and the quantum angle. The latter introduces quantum “population oscillations”, which can be seen as a generalized Hong-Ou-Mandel effect, (...)
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  5. Richard J. White, Nietzsche and the Problem of Sovereignty. [REVIEW]Amy Mullin - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18:76-78.
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    Norman R. Scott. Introduction to switching algebra. A survey of switching circuit theory, edited by E. J. McCluskeyJr., and T. C. Bartee, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York1962, pp. 1–13. - W. J. Cadden. Binary numbers, codes, and translators. A survey of switching circuit theory, edited by E. J. McCluskeyJr., and T. C. Bartee, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York1962, pp. 15–30. - J. P. Runyon. Formulation of switching problems. A survey of switching circuit theory, edited by E. J. McCluskeyJr., and T. C. Bartee, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York1962, pp. 31–45. - E. J. Tanana. The map method. A survey of switching circuit theory, edited by E. J. McCluskeyJr., and T. C. Bartee, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York1962, pp. 47–65. - E. J. MccluskeyJr., Minimization theory. A survey of switching circuit theory, edited by E. J. McCluskeyJr., and T. C. Bartee, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York1962, pp. 67–88. - T. C. Bartee. Design using computers. A survey of switching circuit theory, edit. [REVIEW]Albert Mullin - 1962 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 27 (2):251-252.
  7. Many-Valued Logics.J. B. Rosser & A. R. Turquette - 1954 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 5 (17):80-83.
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    Recursive isomorphism types of recursive Boolean algebras.J. B. Remmel - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (3):572-594.
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  9. Uncertainty principle and uncertainty relations.J. B. M. Uffink & Jan Hilgevoord - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (9):925–944.
    It is generally believed that the uncertainty relation Δq Δp≥1/2ħ, where Δq and Δp are standard deviations, is the precise mathematical expression of the uncertainty principle for position and momentum in quantum mechanics. We show that actually it is not possible to derive from this relation two central claims of the uncertainty principle, namely, the impossibility of an arbitrarily sharp specification of both position and momentum (as in the single-slit diffraction experiment), and the impossibility of the determination of the path (...)
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  10. A neural global workspace model for conscious attention.J. B. Newman, Bernard J. Baars & S. Cho - 1997 - Neural Networks 10:1195-1206.
  11.  45
    Axiom schemes for m-valued propositional calculi.J. B. Rosser & A. R. Turquette - 1945 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 10 (3):61-82.
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  12. (3 other versions)The Theory of Motion in Plato's Later Dialogues.J. B. Skemp - 1943 - Philosophy 18 (69):80-84.
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  13.  46
    A note on the undefinability of cuts.J. B. Paris & C. Dimitracopoulos - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):564-569.
  14.  27
    Measuring the Mind: Education and Psychology in England 1860-1990.J. B. Thomas & A. Wooldridge - 1995 - British Journal of Educational Studies 43 (3):351.
  15.  58
    Maximal and cohesive vector spaces.J. B. Remmel - 1977 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 42 (3):400-418.
  16.  43
    Pythagoras and Early Pythagoreanism.J. B. Skemp - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (77):353-354.
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  17.  7
    Heredity and Politics.J. B. S. Haldane - 1938 - Routledge.
    This book, first published in 1938, is based on the Muirhead Lectures given at Birmingham University in February and March of 1937. The first half of this book is mainly devoted to an exposition of the principles of genetics, whilst the second half deals with more controversial topics, with the text providing an insight into the ideology of the time. This title will be of interest to students of politics and history.
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  18.  67
    Combining Analogical Support in Pure Inductive Logic.J. B. Paris & A. Vencovská - 2016 - Erkenntnis (2):01-19.
    We investigate the relative probabilistic support afforded by the combination of two analogies based on possibly different, structural similarity (as opposed to e.g. shared predicates) within the context of Pure Inductive Logic and under the assumption of Language Invariance. We show that whilst repeated analogies grounded on the same structural similarity only strengthen the probabilistic support this need not be the case when combining analogies based on different structural similarities. That is, two analogies may provide less support than each would (...)
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  19.  32
    A Dialectical Account of Evolution.J. B. S. Haldane - 1937 - Science and Society 1 (4):473 - 486.
  20.  35
    Tachyons and causal paradoxes.J. B. Maund - 1979 - Foundations of Physics 9 (7-8):557-574.
    Although the existence of tachyons is not ruled out by special relativity, it appears that causal paradoxes will arise if there are tachyons. The usual solutions to these paradoxes employ some form of the reinterpretation principle. In this paper it is argued first that the principle is incoherent, second that even if it is not, some causal paradoxes remain, and third, the most plausible “solution,” which appeals to boundary conditions of the universe, will conflict with special relativity.
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    Typability and type checking in System F are equivalent and undecidable.J. B. Wells - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 98 (1-3):111-156.
    Girard and Reynolds independently invented System F to handle problems in logic and computer programming language design, respectively. Viewing F in the Curry style, which associates types with untyped lambda terms, raises the questions of typability and type checking. Typability asks for a term whether there exists some type it can be given. Type checking asks, for a particular term and type, whether the term can be given that type. The decidability of these problems has been settled for restrictions and (...)
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  22.  30
    Plato.J. B. Skemp - 1976 - Oxford [Eng.]: Clarendon Press.
    Plato's "Politicus" (Statesman) stands, both in date and in political thought, between the "Republic" and the "Laws". It presents his thought at the point when he was chastened by disappointment with his attempts to put theory into practice at Syracuse. The dialogue reflects contemporary controversies on the method of definition; but its logical exercises and the impressive 'myth' of the two cosmic eras serve to bring out its essential political teaching. This volume contains the text in translation. In this second (...)
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  23. (1 other version)A note on the deductive completeness of m-valued propositional calculi.J. B. Rosser & A. R. Turquette - 1949 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (4):219-225.
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    (1 other version)Against Androgyny.J. B. Elshtain - 1981 - Télos 1981 (47):5-21.
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  25.  31
    David Hume and William James: A Comparison.J. B. Shouse - 1952 - Journal of the History of Ideas 13 (1/4):514.
  26.  23
    The Evidence for God: Religious Knowledge Reexamined.J. B. Stump - 2010 - Philosophia Christi 12 (2):477-481.
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  27.  16
    Concerning some Criticisms of Mill's Utilitarianism, 1861-76.J. B. Schneewind - 1976 - In John Robson & Michael Laine, James and John Stuart Mill / Papers of the Centenary Conference. University of Toronto Press. pp. 35-54.
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  28. Axiom schemes for m-valued functional calculi of first order: Part I. definition of axiom schemes and proof of plausibility.J. B. Rosser & A. R. Turquette - 1948 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 13 (4):177-192.
  29. Hume and the Religious Significance of Moral Rationalism.J. B. Schneewind - 2000 - Hume Studies 26 (2):211-223.
    In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries rationalism about morality was repeatedly used to reject strong divine command theories of ethics. Such theories were morally unacceptable to many devout Christians. But deism, rationalist through and through, seemed to make revelation unnecessary, and with it most of Christianity. William Law, an influential divine command theorist of Hume's time, argued that Christians must consequently find rationalism unacceptable. Hume's effort to destroy moral rationalism functions to force his readers into a dilemma: either a morally (...)
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  30.  80
    Moral Knowledge and Moral Principles.J. B. Schneewind - 1969 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 3:249-262.
    What is the function of moral principles within the body of moral knowledge? And what must be the nature of moral principles in order for them to carry out this function? A specific set of answers to these questions is widely accepted among moral philosophers – so widely accepted as almost to constitute a sort of orthodoxy. The answers embody a view of the place of principles within the body of morality which crosses the lines between cognitivism and non-cognitivism. Though (...)
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  31.  74
    Sidgwick and the Cambridge Moralists.J. B. Schneewind - 1974 - The Monist 58 (3):371-404.
    Sidgwick is usually considered to be a utilitarian, and with good reason. In an autobiographical fragment he tells us that his “first adhesion to a definite Ethical system was to the Utilitarianism of Mill”, and that after a variety of intellectual changes he became “a Utilitarian again, but on an Intuitional basis.” He refers to himself in other works and in letters as a utilitarian, and he was so viewed by his contemporaries. Hence it is understandable that Albee should view (...)
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  32. Partially ordered sets representable by recursively enumerable classes.J. B. Florence - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (1):8-12.
  33. Recursion theory on orderings. II.J. B. Remmel - 1980 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 45 (2):317-333.
  34. Flat Spacetime Gravitation with a Preferred Foliation.J. B. Pitts & W. C. Schieve - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (7):1083-1104.
    Paralleling the formal derivation of general relativity as a flat spacetime theory, we introduce in addition a preferred temporal foliation. The physical interpretation of the formalism is considered in the context of 5-dimensional “parametrized” and 4-dimensional preferred frame contexts. In the former case, we suggest that our earlier proposal of unconcatenated parametrized physics requires that the dependence on τ be rather slow. In the 4-dimensional case, we consider and tentatively reject several areas of physics that might require a preferred foliation, (...)
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  35.  15
    Perfection de la philosophie ou philosophe parfait?J. -B. Brenet - 2001 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 68 (2):310-348.
    L’article examine la reprise que le « prince des Averroïstes » Jean de Jandun fait de cette phrase délicate d’Averroès, tirée de son Grand Commentaire du De anima d’Aristote : « forte igitur philosophia invenitur in maiori parte subiecti in omni tempore ». On cherche à montrer par l’analyse des textes que l’interprétation du maître ès arts s’écarte radicalement de la pensée du Cordouan qu’il prétend suivre. Tandis qu’Averroès suppose l’existence continue d’au moins un philosophe dans le monde, Jean de (...)
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    Commentationes Fleckeisenianae. Teubner: Leipzig, 1890. 6 Mk.J. B. Bury - 1891 - The Classical Review 5 (1-2):62-.
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    Our Lady of Sorrows. A Book of Mediations by Rev. Hilary Morris, O.S.M.J. B. Carol - 1947 - Franciscan Studies 7 (2):249-250.
  38.  26
    Our Lady’s Part in the Redemption According to Seventeenth-Century Writers.J. B. Carol - 1943 - Franciscan Studies 3 (2):143-158.
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    Is symmetry of stone tools merely an epiphenomenon of similarity?J. B. Derēgowski - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (3):406-407.
    It is proposed that symmetry of stone tools may derive from perceptual similarity rather than from cognitively more complex awareness of symmetry. Although encodement of shapes necessarily involves symmetry (as evidenced by the confusability of enantiomorphs), it does not imply awareness of symmetry. Responses of relatively simple organisms, such as bees, support the notion that the processes involved are likely to be perceptual.
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  40.  18
    An Index and Concordance of Pre-Islamic Arabian Names and Inscriptions.J. B. Gruntfest & G. Lankester Harding - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (4):496.
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    Gerhard Ramming: Die Dienerschaft in der Odyssee. (Erlangen diss.) Pp. 178. Erlangen, 1973. (Obtainable from the author at Burbergstr. 54½, 852 Erlangen.) Paper, DM. 9.J. B. Hainsworth - 1976 - The Classical Review 26 (2):262-262.
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  42.  11
    Assortative mating.J. B. S. Haldane - 1946 - The Eugenics Review 38 (2):103.
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    Claudian and Politics.J. B. Hall - 1980 - The Classical Review 30 (02):206-.
  44.  19
    Concerning Social Darwinism.J. B. S. Haldane - 1941 - Science and Society 5 (4):373 - 375.
  45.  48
    History in Claudian.J. B. Hall - 1985 - The Classical Review 35 (02):291-.
  46. La science en marche.J. B. S. Haldane & G. Gratiant - 1956 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 146:403-404.
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  47. Professor Haldane Replies.J. B. S. Haldane - 1938 - Science and Society 2 (2):239-242.
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  48. The nature of life mark A. Bedau.J. B. S. Haldane, J. Lovelock & C. Taylor - 1996 - In Margaret A. Boden, The philosophy of artificial life. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  49. Cartography, Ethics and Social Theory.J. B. Harley - 1990
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    Fluctuations of the attention (I.).J. B. Hylan - 1896 - Psychological Review 3 (1):56-63.
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